Thursday, July 23, 2009

Random Blabblings

Random tidbits overheard at Camp Vic today. 

"The king will be in his hot tub waiting for his turkey fried chicken!"

"Is it poisonous? I don't like to eat poisonous things you know... they make me throw up."
"It's ice cream. Why would I take you to a place that sells poisonous ice cream?"

"Would you prefer your boyfriend to have chest hair or no chest hair? I'd prefer chest hair, that way I can pull it out when I get mad at him!"

"I'm thinking about it, thinking about it, thinking about it. Oh wait... I forgot to think about it."
"You forgot to think about it?"
"Yeah because I was so busy thinking about thinking."

"Who gave me sugar? Oh wait... no... I'm just excessively energized!"

"You won't like it there. It smells bad. It's like China."

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