Monday, July 6, 2009

The Smokehouse

Running errands with my kiddos always tends to end in some sort of minor disaster, and our recent trip to The Smokehouse to purchase some sausages was no exception. It's the end of a long rainy day, we enter into the dorm sized store, the kids are bumming because there are no free samples, and I'm confused as I stare at all of the sausage choices and attempt to remember which ones the kiddos' dad asked me to pick up. BUT these factors did not stop my three darlings from managing to embarrass me. I seriously can't take them anywhere! To set the scene let me just tell you that all three of them have decided to make it their job to find me someone to date. And I should also add that they are neither too quiet about what they say, or too sly about what they do. 

M: Hey Victoria, you should kiss him (as she motions towards the person working behind the counter)!
Me: Uh, M... that's a woman.
M: Ohhhhhh. Oops!

Needless to say I tried to exit as gracefully as I could.

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